5 Golf Tips for Kids
Golf is becoming a more desired sport across the world and mini Tiger Woods are blooming everywhere. The earlier you get a child involved in Golf, the greater the chance they will excel as a junior Golfer. Golf stores, local driving ranges and golf lessons can be found locally and is a good place for kids to start learning golf. These places provide the resources to help you get your proper materials. We are honored to work with such great coaches here at GNCGA and teach these incredible students from the US and abroad what is needed to succeed in the game of golf. Here are the coaches' top 5 tips for kids who want to learn how to play golf and pursue it as a career.
1. Learn the rules first. Both parents and kids should learn the rules of golf. The first rule of golf is etiquette. Etiquette teaches honesty and integrity in the game of golf, but also in life. This is a great way for the child to have a better understanding of what they can do in the game. If you are interested in studying the official rules, please visit USGA.org.
2. Short game and proper fundamentals. Short Game is pitching, chipping and putting. Working on short shots and not a full swing will directly help and influence proper ball striking. The putting stroke is the foundation for all of your shots. When you learn how to putt better, you can also improve better ball striking in the short game and in the full swing. Over half your strokes are made on and around the green, so the most important part is to putt first. Practice focusing on effective short game to be a great golf player.
3. Building proper golf practice is very important. It takes about 6000 time of repetition of something in order to make it a new habit. So, ideally kids should be practicing 3-4 times a week (which I know can be hard at first) for an hour or two, mainly focused on short games. Golf is so different than other sports because it takes much more discipline.
4. Wear sunscreen & hydrate. Golf professionals are outside for 5-7 hours a day, and 7 days a week. Therefore, it is vital to cover up and protect oneself from the sun. But don’t forget these three areas to protect as well: ears, nose and lips. Hydration is extremely important and you should be drinking half your weight in ounces.
5. Embrace failure. We need to be willing to fail in order to have success. You will learn more from your failures in golf and in life then from all of your successes. Be willing to learn from the problems that might come out when facing obstacles, then you won’t commit the same error twice.
Overall, kids you see succeeding in golf play a wide range of sports. Golf takes practice, dedication and perseverance. If you are looking for a place where your child can get proper golf training, we offer weekly summer camp programs which starts on May 23, 2016. Find out more by emailing [email protected].